Finding Evil

The Evil Life: Finding Evil, Chapter 10

Tuesday, May 26th, 2020

After a brief stakeout, Hester is currently being pursued by none other than Megaville's Industrial Defender, the M.I.D. Knight! Can she reach her goal in time or will she get another whooping from the city's favorite superhero?

Tap any panel to open the webcomic in fullscreen, and then click or swipe through the entire chapter. (Oh, and you can read us on Webtoon too!)

PREVIOUS: Chapter 9 NEXT: Chapter 11

Wow, Hester just got some serious revenge for what M.I.D. Knight did to her waaaay back in Growing Evil Chapter 9! (Ya know, with the punch and the roof and the fall and the bus and the... you get the point.)

And hopefully she stopped some more marmots from getting freaky mutations. Then again, when I type out "getting freaky mutations" that actually sounds pretty cool so I dunno if it would be so bad if more cartoon marmots got some of those. Has anyone ever done a comic about some rad animals getting freaky mutations and kicking butt? Nah, no way. Too weird!

We'll be back here in another two weeks for the beginning of the end! It's the penultimate chapter wherein everything begins to collide.

We're posting our old animation pitch for the month of June and the ongoing story will resume on July 7th.

PREVIOUS: Chapter 9 NEXT: Chapter 11

The Evil Life: Finding Evil, Chapter 9

Tuesday, May 12th, 2020

A house divided! Blarf has taken a job with Hester's sworn enemy, Knight Corp. Faced with this devastating development, she's decided it's time to take action.

Tap any panel to open the webcomic in fullscreen, and then click or swipe through the entire chapter. (Oh, and you can read us on Webtoon too!)

PREVIOUS: Chapter 8 NEXT: Chapter 10

I'm trying something a lil different for our few remaining chapters of The Evil Life (it ends with Finding Evil, Chapter 12) and doing the "To Be Continued..." thing! Originally conceived as two large sections, I'm splitting them into four far more reasonably sized chapters. That's partially for my own sanity and partially because I think they'll read better this way.

If you're enjoying the webcomic and want to dig deeper into its creation, Nils and I recorded another Making Evil podcast last week. It's chock full of more behind-the-scenes secrets and rambling reminiscences.

Thanks for reading! See you back here in two weeks for Part 2 of Stand Down!

PREVIOUS: Chapter 8 NEXT: Chapter 10

Making Evil Podcast - Episode 6

Friday, May 8th, 2020

Nils-Petter Norlin and Nick Marino (that's me!) talk about creating Finding Evil chapters 5-8 (17-20 on Webtoon) of The Evil Life webcomic as Hester, Gloom, and Blarf hatch crazy schemes and settle into their new lives under the same roof.

We dig into some of Nils's best background jokes and references in these four chapters, including wacky book titles in Gloom's room, the return of the living sludge, and Nils's own secret appearances in the comic!

We also answer a burning question from Webtoon about Nessie, tease some more about our upcoming underwater koala comic, delve into the timeline of putting The Evil Life together over the past eight years, and drop some hints about the ending of this webcomic including a redacted question from Rosie.

After the end theme Nils tell us about his joyous May the 4th celebration this year, including all of the rad lightsabers he put together with his kids, the Mandalorian helmet he just finished, and the next helmet he's gonna make.

The chapters covered in this conversation include Finding Evil 5: Team Meeting, 6: Brain Food, and 7: Flavor Savior, and 8: The Ultimatum.