Making Evil Podcast

Making KUTE - Podcast Episode 9

Tuesday, March 16th, 2021

Nils-Petter Norlin and Nick Marino (that's me!) talk about the creation of KUTE Crew! This time around we're discussing color, magic, and lots more.

We kick things off with a conversation about the many helmets of Nils, who builds custom Stormtrooper designs and posts them on his Instagram. That leads us into a discussion of color and how it has informed the design and feel of KUTE Crew.

After some deep thoughts, we dive into a conversation about the role of magic in our webcomic. Thanks to some feedback on our previous episode from Loch Ness, we're laying out the rules of magic in our universe, how it works for our koalas, and how all of that informs our writing and drawing choices for this story. We'll have a new KUTE Crew update on Webtoon soon, so follow us there and read along!

Making KUTE - Podcast Episode 8

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

Nils-Petter Norlin and Nick Marino (that's me!) talk about the creation of KUTE Crew! How did we make this bonkers webcomic about a bunch of koalas fighting squids? Our deepest secrets are revealed!

We dive into questions about why we chose the animals we chose, which teammates are our personal faves, and why the leader always dies. And the best part? These questions come from the artist of the rad pinup below, Loch Ness!

Along the way we share about our writing and drawing processes for the comic, delving into our decision making behind characters, themes, pacing, color, dialoguing, and tons more. We update KUTE Crew weekly on Webtoon, so follow us there and we'll have another conversation for you soon.

Making Evil Podcast - Episode 7

Wednesday, July 29th, 2020

Nils-Petter Norlin and Nick Marino (that's me!) talk about THE END of The Evil Life webcomic! That includes Finding Evil chapters 9-12 and the Evil Interlude (#21-27 on Webtoon), which feature Hester, Gloom, and Blarf as they sell cookies, steal trucks, and battle their enemies on the golf course.

Hot on the heels of announcing our next webcomic, KUTE Crew, we're excited to finally talk openly about the making of that upcoming story and compare it to our creative process for the The Evil Life.

Going behind the scenes of this comic one last time, we revisit some of our favorite Evil moments. We also drop a few surprises along the way, including a detailed description of this deleted chapter... well as the reveal of a super secret epilogue to The Evil Life that's only available upon request (dm me or email me to see it).

And then there's this...
...the digital collected edition of Finding Evil! It's a widescreen hi-res PDF that's packed with 200 panels of humor, action, and slice-of-life supervillainy.

(right click to save)

The chapters covered in this conversation include Evil Interlude, 9: Stand Down pt. 1, 10: Stand Down pt. 2, 11: The Club pt. 1, and 12: The Club pt. 2. Thanks for reading The Evil Life! We appreciate you! And don't miss the launch of KUTE Crew on August 4, 2020. You can find out more about it here.

I want to send a special thanks to my amazing wife Rosie Knight, who was a fantastic sounding board and consultant throughout my work on The Evil Life. She has a book coming out soon, Fierce Heroines, so go check it out!