Listen to the Proton Cannon Mixtape Mix
It's been awhile but I'm back with a fresh new Mixtape Mix, this time compiled from my Proton Cannon beats. It's posted over on PodOMatic, so go check it out.
But if you're not on PodOMatic and don't give two shits about the site, it's all gravy cause you can listen to it right here:
But if you do dig that site, you can friend my Nik Furious PodOMatic profile. Hell, while you're at it, go LIKE Nik Furious on Facebook too!
Anyway, back to the music. For those of you who don't already know, Proton Cannon is my rock-themed mixtape, packed with lots of punch and crunch alongside my usual cosmic metronome funk. I think the mix really hits its stride around 12:23.