Holy F*cked #3 - 5 page preview

We've got... Superheroes! Weird superheroes! Weird religious superheroes! Weird religious superheroes in a comic book about Jesus and Satan knocking boots and having a baby! Here's your first taste of The New Apostles in action:


from Action Lab: Danger Zone
by Nick Marino and Daniel Arruda Massa

Hercules is driving a van full of explosives with Jesus tied up in the back. But he's in for one hell of a ride because the New Apostles are out to stop him!

Will Cosmic Moses, the Secret Pope, Mother 2resa, and the Holy Spirit halt Herc before he blows Jesus to kingdom come?

Plus... can Maria get Satan to the hospital on time?

REGULAR COVER - SEP150917 - $3.99

If you're inclined to order this comic book through the paper and ink Previews catalog, you can find our solicitation on page 252 of the Sept 2015 edition.

Thanks for checking out the Holy F*cked #3 action! There's a whole lot more where this came from so I hope you'll snag this issue and enjoy the shit out it.