Nik Furious: Brilliant Shower: Bacon

Nik Furious - Brilliant Shower
Brilliant Shower artwork by Shawn Atkins

There's something very unusual about Bacon -- it was written and recorded in about 45 minutes.

Most of the songs on Brilliant Shower took hours to compose and perform, evolving with every new layer and morphing into something far different than what I'd originally intended for them.

Bacon, however, was written on a lark and recorded in a pinch. And it came out sounding exactly like I'd intended.

Intermission!!! For your sharing pleasure, here's Bacon on YouTube...

...and on SoundCloud.

Okay, back to the history of this song. My friend and co-creator of the AudioShocker, Neal, was visiting me in Pittsburgh. Improvising, I was playing my acoustic guitar while he was chilling with me. I wrote this riff and fell in love.

I busted out my drum machine, added some quick keyboard bass, tossed in a couple of acoustic guitar tracks, added some keys and percussion and VOILA! The track was complete within minutes. It was just that quick.

NEXT TUESDAY: Super synth meets smooth acoustic guitar and thick slap bass.